Nature has given caves in Serbia the most extraordinary shapes showing its infinite imagination. Most of them can be found in the eastern part of the country


Once caves were habitat of Neolithic people and shelter from fierce weather conditions and wild animals, today they are interesting tourist attractions. So if you like unusual and almost fairly like adventures, caves in Serbia are the right choice for you.

Potpeće cave Subterranean rivers have created the Potpeće cave that was inhabited even during the Neolithic period. Its ornaments are very rare in karst caves. If you believe that a horseshoe will bring you luck, than a visit to the Potpeće cave, a nature monument and the most significant cave site in Western Serbia, will be a true treat for you. The cave has a horseshoe shaped entrance that was carved into limestone by the force of water.

The Stopića cave The Stopića cave is most famous for its 10 meters high subterranean waterfall but also its climate: it is warm during summertime but cold in winter The Stopića cave, on the left bank of the Prištavica river, is one of the biggest tourist attractions in Western Serbia, near the city of Užice.

Resava cave - Just until recently, the approximately 80 million years old Resava cave was kept secret by the local shepherds. Its decorations make it one of the most beautiful caves in the region. In 1962 a shepherd has shown the Resava cave to some mountaineers from the town of Svilajnac, and the cave was researched entirely just afterwards. Ten years later, after the preparation, the cave was opened for tourists revealing its 45 million years old decorations.

Risovača cave - The Risovača cave, a museum of Paleolithic culture, was inhabited by the early man of the Neanderthal type, and some fossils of animals that walked the Earth during the last ice age were also found in it. Well known underground museum of the Paleolithic time and the only confirmed habitat of the prehistoric people, the Risovača cave near the city of Arandjelovac reveals its hidden secrets to curious visitors. Numerous fossil remains of ancient animals that once lived in the steppe of today’s Risovača hill were found in this cave.

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